Det Norske Studentersamfund

We are located at Chateau Neuf. We have a bar, cafe, debates, concerts, cinema, theater, radio, television and much more! The Norwegian Students' Society was founded 2 October 1813, and is the oldest students fellowship. When the Royal Frederick University (now known as the University of Oslo) was opened in 1811, was also a need for a students' society in Oslo. The initiators of this was an academic elite, who had been inspired by student culture in Northern Europe.

The Norwegian Students' Association operates the cultural Chateauneuf Majorstuen. Chateauneuf is a building of over 10,000 square meters, in events ranging from debates, concerts and opera to bars, promiscuity (!?!) And festivities.

We can, in addition, boasts "Norway's freest rostrum," which has previously been used by many a famous society (d) ns support.

As former chairman and the person who got built our house, Chateau Neuf, is Jan P. Sysendalen today honored with a room named after him.

The Norwegian Students' Society currently runs two bars, Glassbaren and BokCaféen, in addition to this you will find with us three major concert venues, cinema, theater stage, library and more.

Concert venue